Prepare Japanese employees to deal effectively with stakeholders and markets with different business culture, so they can quickly start achieving their business goals, including strategic management, sales, marketing, production, research, IT, administration and global teamwork. Also to effectively hire, develop and retain local staff as long-term, motivated leaders..
Satisfy global stakeholders, markets, finances
Enhance strategy sales and global teamwork
Effectively hire, develop and retain local staff
Many Japanese ex-pats take too long (1 -2 years) to become effective in their overseas role because they don’t know how to adapt their behaviour and management style to motivate local stakeholders.
Learn how Japan and global working styles are different, and best ways to bridge gaps. Practice clear, persuasive communication and coaching-style management in cases and role-plays.
Understand cultural differences in working style and communication and how to bridge them, including dealing with job-hoppers and under performing staff
Become comfortable communicating in English in typical overseas business situations using language they already know.
Develop a positive growth mindset with effective strategies to learn overseas business situation and skills, working styles, and foreign languages.
Workshop Methodology
Participants learn that 1. Japan is very different so they need different behavior and clear explanations. 2. They should teach national staff the reasons and personal benefits of Japan’s team-based working style, as well as how to do it. 3. A best mix of local and Japan culture can remove gaps in understanding and increase productivity
Our interactive bilingual facilitation includes understanding open communication, how foreigners experience Japan companies – and how to help them out of the darkness, and how growth mindset helps ex-pats. We welcome mixed nationalities, mixed language levels, and mixed management levels because we can learn from each other.
We study 10 intercultural frameworks – and how we have to change our style of managing, email, meetings, presentations and teamwork. We analyze cases and discuss how to adjust to different regions and countries’ cultures. Flow: Values, experience, IC, case for local team
We practice via role plays during the day (after each cultural framework), including learning key phrases and coaching for eight common Japanese ex-pat situations : 1. Introductions, 2. Mission, 3. Teamwork, 4. Meetings, 5. Decisions, 6. Giving Feedback, 7. Training, 8. Negotiation
Program highlights
Start working effectively overseas at high skill levels faster, with less stress.
Practice common situations, such as introducing your mission persuasively to get help from local colleagues, and how to do coaching style performance management with positive feedback and goal-setting.
Achieve global business goals, bridge cultural gaps, and empower local teams.
Participants' comments:
It was very helpful for me to know that common things in Japan were not common in overseas, and each country has own standard. -Legal Manager Software Company
It was surprising that the instructor told us Japanese styles of communication, management, and meeting have good points in some cases. I got the key point was using these styles properly depending on circumstances.-Electrical Engineer Automotive Maker
Thank you for your comprehensive presentation. I really enjoyed interaction with some people and your talk as well. I had a good opportunity to learn overseas business skills so I think I can keep my motivation high also from now on.-Sales Manager Food Company